We rely on the generous support of our donors in order to keep our valuable projects in Zimbabwe running. To issue tax receipts, all donations must be made via the EFCCM (Evangelical Free Church of Canada).  Tax receipts will be issued by  EFCCM at the end of January of the following year. Thank-you for helping us help those in need.

Donate  Online (via EFCCM)

Once you have  clicked on the EFCCM website link, click on the
African Continent, then click on Project: Zimbabwe Gecko, and follow the instructions.
click here to go to the EFCCM website
Thank you!

 Donate  by Mail

Please download the form below. If writing a cheque or using credit card
please make it to EFCCM and  specify  account  # 2-3255 to ensure the
funds are allocated to the Zimbabwe account.
Tax receipts will be issued by EFCCM at the end of January of the following year.
 Mail to EFCCM  Box 850 Langley Stn, LCD1Langley, BC Canada V3A 8S6   Attention Accounting.
Thank You  for joining us in these life giving projects.      Sue and Frank Janetti


The Zimbabwe Gecko Society started by accepting donations for wire-beaded-gecko ornaments hand-made by street children in Zimbabwe, and this continues to be a source of our donations today.

If you would like a one-of-a-kind gecko as a reminder of how you have helped change the life of an orphan in Zimbabwe, please send us a minimum donation of $20 (cheques only, please!) along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope, and we will send you a gecko and a tax receipt.

Make cheques out to: EFCCM Account #2-3255

Zimbabwe Gecko Society
#102-1744 128th St
Surrey, BC, Canada
V4A 3V4

Thank-you for your generosity!

A Non-Profit Organization Dedicated to Helping Those in Need in Zimbabwe